I've finally managed to get hold of the photos from my birthday 2 weeks ago. There were two main celebrations, one with Lydia and Ronald and the other with the ABC gang :P
I had my delicious fajitas, the margarita presidente, with the staff from Chillis singing Happy Birthday for me, a free brownie sundae and the company of two wonderful people.
One for the album
Yum Yum!
Brownie Sundae!
Clebrating with choo ki meant putting up the video of me swallowing half a cake whole, a slice of chocolate indulgence cake and a bloody large drink.
Yes yes, You surely love me.
Scooping up from the huge ass drink, I wonder if WKCCT is interested in paying royalties for this photo for advertisment puposes???
Ron feeds me cake!
That's beside all the great presents I got for this birthday, It was nothing compared in quantity to what I got for the last birthday but everything I got this time, I really really liked. Gorgeous purple Somerset bay earrings from Lydia C. and shell earrings from cousin Lydia T. Auntie Honey gave me Elizabeth Arden Green Tea (E. Arden scents rock! <3),>
But this one has got to be the tops... Ron presented this to me in the car in the little blue bag packed in a little blue box.
That wasn't the only teardrop on me when he gave it to me <3
The most amazing birthday present I've had ever! He's such a sweetheart. <3>
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