
Gone for too long.

For those who have missed me,... I'm back :)
For those who don't quite enjoy the fact seeing that I have gone back in to blogging... too bad for you.

Time for yourself can get pretty addictive once you really put your heart to it. Blogging, I'm afraid wasn't at all in my vocabulary for the past 2-3 weeks. Usually, with the exams approaching and all, I tend to blog less.

On the oh-so-bright side of things,...
I've been drinking this liquid diet thing I bought from Kiat Yee earlier this week. It was torture to fast for the first 3 days..(until i was nearly hypoglycemic= lack of sugar; no worries though I'm much better off today) ... and let me tell you that this thing has worked wonders for me.

What? What's that? PROVE IT you say? I just got the thing for you :)

Tadah! I could wear this pants in April but not anymore :D Despite having a rabbit's appetite these few days this drink also actually helped me detoxify so now i've got a nice healthy glow on my face :D *happy happy happy*

If the next time I disappear from the blogging scence for a while, I'm probabaly

i) too tired from dieting

ii) having Coffee Bean's Ceasar Salad

iii) Gone for a workout

iv) Enjoying and flaunting my new body. (It's a wonder what losing weight can do to your self-confidence) ^-^