
The truth about my age in animated blogging

So I have been told that I carry a very matured character with a physical impression a few years more than I am... but never have I ever been so insulted until recently early this week. BASED ON A TRUE INCIDENT (BLEH!)

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Raksha said...

WAHAHAHAHAH!! OMG...babes...I think I almost died of laughter. LMAO! Nolah...you don't look that old lah...just stop ogling babies in hospitals so much lah...new parents are in baby mode, so everyone they see ogling babies in hospitals they assume are new parents, and wanna strike up conversations to umm..share the experience. That's my theory. Lol. Next time we yumcha pls act this out for me...kakakakaka!

april yim said...

JASON: OMG I don't do any more facials, I don't need them. But how in the world did he manage to come up with the concept that I just gave birth??? AM I THAT WORN OUT AND FAT???? *Puts more makeup on*

Elaine: I did say....that visiting too many paeds and gynaes kicked off my need to breed instincts.

Anonymous said...

I did laugh! :)

Anonymous said...

I laughed at yr reply to him about hoping his kid will look like him...good comeback, April.

Have a great, God blessed Christmas and a Gorgeous Enterprising New Year, April. Love and hugs from me, B, Kev, Prunella & Nathanael T.

Anonymous said...

Take it in stride, gal :) Guys are terribly honest dogs, sigh...

Yvonne Foong said...

HAHAHA! so this is what u've been doing at home... now u don't look old. u just look matured and well brought up.