While some people associate the knowledge of birth control with the promotion of promiscuity, my view of birth control is a varied version.
Although I don't have any sexual intentions as of current there really is no harm in the exploration of birth control should I want concentrate on my career after marriage. Anyway, that's a long time away from now; plus, the biological function of it intrigues me.
Anyhoo, when it comes to an inevitable moment where some people politely describe as 'doing it', it is best to take note of your options for Self Protection. It's something every person has the right to know.
Jha has the same ideas and feels the same way as I do. She took the trouble to bring back some phamplets for me and showed me the latest available birth control method in Canada.
These colourfully printed out phamplets are great guidelines for the available methods, how they work and the considerations.
Jha showed me the NuvaRing, The first thing I thought when she told me about it was IUD. This is not like the old barrier method as mentioned in your SPM text books. It is in fact a hormonal contraceptive method consisting of a simple a flexible ring two inches in diameter compressed and inserted into the vagina.
It comes in prescription boxes, each containing one Nuva Ring sealed in a hygenically safe resealeable foil package.
1 sachet contains 1 vaginal ring...
...In neat little foil packaging...
...With each of these little rings inside it...
Apparently, the ring when inserted would release estrogen and progestin preventing the ovaries from producing mature eggs. What makes it a marketable product would be the low hormone concentration during release (reducing the side effects of weight gain, headache etc).
It's inserted in for 21days and taken out for disposal leaving the body with a 7-day free period. This is to allow mensus to flow before the insertion of a new ring. Jha showed me a Nuva-Timer (from her free sample pack) where the end is filled with 21 digital balls. Each day, a ball falls and collects to the bottom to remind the user of how many days have passed. When its about time to insert a new ring, there would be an indicator arrow and a ring flowing towards the digital image of the woman (Where her finger is pointing)
It goes for about 13 Canadian dollars, equivalent to about RM30 here from most pharmacists in Canada. The problem is the storage for the ring is at 2-8 degrees celcius which means if you wanna store it, it's got to be in the fridge where alot of people can see it >-<
Nevertheless thanks Jha for sharing with me :D
*hhmmmm* interesting..
nevermind the fact that I have no idea how ppl put it in their vagina????
From what I was told, The ring is flexible right, so basically its just compressed at the sides and fitted in upwards like a tampon.
Neat! About the same price of a pack of low-dose pill and really great for ultra forgetful people! :p
BUT I don't think we'll ever subscribe to that anytime soon. The docs here don't even recognize low-dose pills as proper birth control.
I just can't associate food and contraceptive being stored next to each other... YUMMY? heh
You should check out "Implanon". Implant a small rod under your skin (arm) and it slowly releases hormones. Lasts for 3 years. No need to take "things" in and out of "orifices".
Implanon is at current only available in the UK. It's fun though, although you do have to get tested a shitload for it first.
As to inserting it, just squeeze the ring in half, and then push it in and up towards the cervix area.
And there's nothing wrong with orifices. Everyone should be familiar with all orifices of their body.
- Jha
It's already available here. My wife had it done a couple of weeks ago at a hospital in Taman Tun. Costs quite a bit though (RM450)...but it's worth it if you want spontaneity, do the "horizontal mambo" quite often and do not want the risk of forgetting to pop your daily pill.
Details at http://hpc.implanon.com
Just to sidetrack: http://mooncups.blogspot.com --> if you're interested in not ever having to get sanitary napkins or tampons.
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