
Why me and Minishorts should have free 'Siao Loong Bao.'

"THIS FOOD BETTER BE WORTH THE PARKING HELL WE'RE GOING THROUGH" says an exasperated minishorts as we cicle Bangsar for about the 3rd time. And I'm now blogging to tell you and remind her that its was all WORTH IT.

The destination, Shanghai 10 in Jalan Telawi 2. Upon first look of the menu, it was VERY INCREDIBLY similar to Chef Loong down at SS2; but hey I wouldn't be surprised if they are under the same management.

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There she is everybody.... A lovely glass of Iced Lemon Jasmine tea!

Both me and Minishorts had a jar-cup of Lemon Jasmine tea. A honey like concotion of fragrant Jasmine tea that's light tasting with a twist of sugary sin. Refreshing!

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For a base I picked a bowl of Rainbow treasures Porridge. Mixed with chunks of Yam, Sweet Potato and Pumpkin. Garnished with 'Yau Char Kwai' and chopped spring onion. I like the thick -not so grainy texture of the porridge :)

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Dear Ms. Minishorts took a go at the prawn dumpling 'Lai Fun' which had delicious prawn dumpling imho. :)

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Prawn and Squid dumpling wrapped in 'foo chook' and cheese filling, which already suggestively sounds real good. Minishorts would prefer less cheese but I wolfed down 3 pieces without waiting too much for her.

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Yam 'Woo Kok' or fried Yam balls stuffed with Tuna. Sounded rather odd on the Menu but Minishorts was saying 'Eh, let's try lah'. Unlike most 'woo kok's this one had an ULTRA CREAMY texture to its shell and tuna didn't taste very much like tuna.

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And then meet the best part of the whole deal. SIAO LOONG PAO! Which after close examination and a double blind test taste bud scrutiny, Minishorts and I agree that another commercial restaurant famous for their Siao Loong Pao can go 'TAH PAO' (get lost).

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IT TASTES SO GOOD TOO! Chewy meet texture and dumpling skin that's not too thick or dry! See that amount of soup again!

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It's already tried and tested for you so here is a pic of yours truly with a logo of the restaurants so all people who want to go eat there can go on a look out for it.

However, if you're still not convinced, this is what me and Minishorts thought about the whole dining experience!

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Yum Yum Shanghai 10!


Kimberly Low said...

gonna try the place, thanks april!

Anonymous said...

wooo i also wanna go!


Anonymous said...

Wow dual templates, awesome!

pablopabla said...

LOL! So this is the outcome of what bloggers do :)

Nice pics! Looks delicious!